Addison was born with a Giant Congenital Nevus on her left leg. The journey is a struggle. Decisions are hard. We hope that Addison's experience can help others dealing with the same issue. While we know that there are others that are more extreme, we hope that in sharing her story, we can provide support and encouragement. Leave a comment, let us know you've been here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

She knows she's different

A while back, Addison started asking when her leg would look like everyone else's.  I told her that she was special and didn't need to look like everyone else.  But I took notice of the fact that she was starting to pick up on the difference between her skin and other kids'.

Addi has now taken it upon herself to answer the questions that people ask.  She was playing with the neighborhood kids, who stopped and asked what was wrong with her leg.  She stated, "It's a birthmark...come on, lets just play."

I'm glad that being different doesn't bug her.  I have noticed through Addi and the comments of other Nevus parents that these kids tend to be opinionated and let things roll off them.

And, I'm glad.

With the amount of surgery that we have been through, and the looks and comments that she has gotten, I'm glad that being different is good.