Addison was born with a Giant Congenital Nevus on her left leg. The journey is a struggle. Decisions are hard. We hope that Addison's experience can help others dealing with the same issue. While we know that there are others that are more extreme, we hope that in sharing her story, we can provide support and encouragement. Leave a comment, let us know you've been here.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another expander fill

Addi had her second of four fills this week - November 10, for the expander on her back. We had a really positive experience all the way around that I wanted to make sure to document. (Sorry, no pictures)

After being checked in, we again made our way to the pre-op waiting room for Addi to play. Her friendly child-life specialist, Mary Ann, immediately came over with a mask and stickers for Addi and helped her decorate the mask. She explained that she would sterilize the mask, and have the doctor use it when Addi was sedated. When she was done with that, she left and came back with a coloring book that she had made just for Addi. The to sheet said, "Addison's coloring book", and it was filled with different pictures of princesses for her to color. Then she brought out the hospital buddies for Addi to choose from, and markers for her to color the face on. (I almost feel guilty - there are other kids that are just there for one surgery, and they didn't get the attention that we are starting to get - not guilty enough to tell them to go away, though. Hee Hee)

When it was time to take Addi back, she started to freak out a little bit, despite the versed. She wanted nothing to do with the Anesthesiologist, or a wagon to ride back in. Mary Ann came over and tried to talk to her, which calmed her a little. I told her that I was pretty sure the only way she was going to get back into the operating room even remotely calm was if I was able to hand her off to Mary Ann. So, she came with us, and took her to the OR, and stayed with her until Addi was completely asleep.

Fifteen minutes later, I was called back to the PACU - Addi was done and was starting to wake up. After about 5 minutes, we were taken to the recovery area, where the nurse was immediately on top of everything. She got Addi the pain meds that she needed immediately, and took care of her every request.

One thing that I have pondered, but not really worried about, is the fact that Addi has been to Primary Children's 17 times (not the Surgeon Clinic, actual sedation), and has never received one of the blankets that are donated to the hospital for patients to keep. Just something I found odd, but this nurse took care of that. She brought Addi a blanket, a clip board for her coloring book and, cookies for Addi to eat. (My purse and hands were more than full by the time we left that day) She was just really good and attentive.

Mary Ann also came and talked to us while Addi was recovering. She brought Addi a mini hospital buddy and asked if we would be willing to have Addi color it for the hospital's Festival of Trees tree. So, we brought that home as well. She also gave me some suggestions for the separation anxiety that Addi is feeling. I am still contemplating what to try. I think she may just be reaching her limit of what she can handle.

Anyway, I'm not sure how much liquid was actually put into the expander on this day, but it was an all around good experience.

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