Addison was born with a Giant Congenital Nevus on her left leg. The journey is a struggle. Decisions are hard. We hope that Addison's experience can help others dealing with the same issue. While we know that there are others that are more extreme, we hope that in sharing her story, we can provide support and encouragement. Leave a comment, let us know you've been here.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Surgery date moved

Addi went to see the plastic surgeon this week.  He wanted to check on her healing progress, and measure her for her next expander, which, if you remember, was scheduled for March 2.  Her leg is looking SO good.  He is really happy with the way it is working.  Then Dr. Siddiqi measured her back to determine which expander would be best for her.  After looking at the samples of the expanders that are kept on hand, he wasn't satisfied with what was available.  I believe his comment was that they only expand three inches...he wants ten.  Ten inches!  Holy big expander! 

We have done the custom expander in the past.  The ordering/shipping process takes forever, which would push us way into the summer before Addi would be completely out of bandages.  Well, our good friend, Lindsey, the plastic surgery coordinator pulled one out of her bag of tricks once again.  She bypasses the hospital all together, called the manufacturer, faxed the order to them and asked them for the soonest guaranteed date for shipment is. 

The answer: March 21. 

Five weeks. 

And they overnight it, so we rescheduled her surgery to March 24...a date Dr. Siddiqi doesn't usually do surgery, but I'm not complaining.  We also scheduled every Wednesday for a sedation to fill that GIANT ten inch expander, and the grafting to be May 18.  Further out than I was anticipating, but not too bad considering. 

Dr. Siddiqi also wants to try to laser the nevus off of Addi's toes rather than trying to graft each of those little piggies.  So, I am not sure if that will happen in May or if we will have to wait a bit for that.  Only time will tell.

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