Addison was born with a Giant Congenital Nevus on her left leg. The journey is a struggle. Decisions are hard. We hope that Addison's experience can help others dealing with the same issue. While we know that there are others that are more extreme, we hope that in sharing her story, we can provide support and encouragement. Leave a comment, let us know you've been here.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"I'll hold still"

From our family blog dated July 7, 2009:

Every Tuesday, Addison and I make the drive across the valley to PCMC for an expander fill. Last week was her first fill, and she was miserable afterward. She cried almost until we got home, then fell asleep. Even the M&Ms that I gave her when she was done didn't appease her. Needless to say, I was a little apprehensive for this week. Addison was very cooperative this morning, I told her where we were going, she got in the car (wearing her Lightening McQueen slippers) and we were on our way.

Although they have taken all of the toys out of the waiting room, due to the swine flu threat, Addi is able to find things to entertain her until they call us back to the exam room. Dr. Siddiqi's secretary, Lindsey, is so cute. She calls us back, makes small talk for a minute, then goes to get the "expansion kit." Addi has never cared about the kit before - possibly due to the fact that there is usually a child-life specialist playing with her, which was not the case today, and Addi was watching. As soon as Lindsey brought the kit in, Addi looked at me and this is the conversation that we had:

Addi: "Mom, will you hold me?"
Me: "Yes, you can sit on my lap, and I will hold you."

Addi proceeded to climb over the arm of the chair and into my lap. Still watching Lindsey, Addi continuted:

"It's going to hurt."
Me: "Yep, it will hurt for a minute."
Addi (with a big sigh): "Ok, I'll hold still."

What a brave little girl. Even Dr. Siddiqi is impressed with how well she is handling all of the pokes. I am sure that it has something to do with the M&Ms and Slurpees that I get her after each appointment.

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