Addison was born with a Giant Congenital Nevus on her left leg. The journey is a struggle. Decisions are hard. We hope that Addison's experience can help others dealing with the same issue. While we know that there are others that are more extreme, we hope that in sharing her story, we can provide support and encouragement. Leave a comment, let us know you've been here.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Good news and the bad news...

August 21, 2009, post surgery:

Surgery is over. Generally, Addi did well, but the erupted expander in her chest compromised that patch of skin, and they were unable to use it. The expander in her leg was great, and because the weren't able to do a full skin graft, her healing time will be significantly reduced. She goes back in on Tuesday to get the drains pulled out of her incisions (two in her leg and one in her chest), and the bandage comes off. The bandages will come off at the same time, and she is good to go.

Her recovery is going smoothly so far. She wasn't crying at all when I went back to the post-op recovery, and only started crying when they weren't getting her popsicle fast enough. What a little trooper!

We are going to try a new synthetic skin grafting techinque in November to try and not use expanders anymore, so that we don't have the same problem as this time. Shorter process time, and will hopefully help her in the long run.

For tonight, we are staying in the hospital, and are looking forward to a speedy recovery.

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