Addison was born with a Giant Congenital Nevus on her left leg. The journey is a struggle. Decisions are hard. We hope that Addison's experience can help others dealing with the same issue. While we know that there are others that are more extreme, we hope that in sharing her story, we can provide support and encouragement. Leave a comment, let us know you've been here.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Round 3.5

March 4, 2010

Addison had what was supposed to be the completetion of her third round of surgeries yesterday. She has been complaining that her leg hurt for the entire three weeks since her last surgery, which is unusual for her, and she was saying that she was tired all of the time. We just figured that she was healing, and it was taking a lot out of her. However, we found that she had developed a blister on her heel and had rubbed the front of her foot raw from walking. I would have been complaining too.

Anyway, we had to be to the hospital early yesterday morning, which was great for us, and we learned that due to an influx in RSV, the hospital was not keeping any patient that could go home, so after surgery, we would be coming home! All the better. Addi was a little feisty all morning while we were waiting for the doctor to come in, and the versed that they gave her prior to taking her to the operating room made it that much worse. (I forgot the camera too, dang it!)

The anesthesiologist came out to talk to us for a minute before taking Addi off. We always make sure that they know that she is a thumb sucker so that they don't put anything on that hand. It makes it easier for her to wake up. They all have their own way to remember this. Last time, the doctor turned his watch around, this time, he just took his pen and wrote "NO!" on that hand. We thought it was funny.

Surgery took about an hour, they were taking skin from her thigh and placing it over what they removed three weeks ago, and everything went smoothly. Dr. Siddiqi came out and talked to us, telling how it went, and what our next steps were. This is where it gets tricky. Addi has always freaked out during dressing changes, or anytime we threaten to take off her bandage. Rather than subjecting her to that, the doctor is going to sedate her again next week to remove the bandage and take out the staples. He is worried that it may just be too traumatic for her to see just yet. So, the real completion of round 3 will be next week. The
only bummer is that this means that we won't be able to see it for a while after that.

We always have to wait about 15 minutes after the doctor talks to us before I am able to go back and see Addi. (Will has to wait in the waiting room a little longer, as only one parent is allowed in the recovery room.) This time is was significantly longer. They finally called for me to go back.

Addi's nurse was an older lady, who, when she saw me asked if Addi was usually feisty. Well, yeah. She then proceeded to tell me how much pain meds they had given her to get her to calm down as she was coming out of the anesthesia. This included two doses of Morphine, some fentenol, and finally the drug that they put into the IV when they first start the surgery, in all about three times what they would normally give. She finally went back to sleep. The nurse commented that in 20 years of nursing, she had never seen a patient react that way before. Usually, with that much narcotic, they would have been calling a code, and all that it did for Addi was lower her blood pressure. What can I say? The girl likes her drugs.

When Addi woke up as I was standing there, she was totally disorineted, but not in pain, and we were taken to the short stay recovery for about an hour. Will as allowed to come back, we watched a movie, and were allowed to come home.

The rest of the day was spent sleeping for Addi, and she is now doing very well. I took her to the bathroom last night, where I discovered that in order to get enough skin for her little leg, they took from the front of her thigh, and the back, extending up onto her bum cheek. I'm pretty impressed. Today will be spent resting and watching movies. No walking for Addi at least until next week. Who needs the gym? I'm getting my workout at home this week.

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