Addison was born with a Giant Congenital Nevus on her left leg. The journey is a struggle. Decisions are hard. We hope that Addison's experience can help others dealing with the same issue. While we know that there are others that are more extreme, we hope that in sharing her story, we can provide support and encouragement. Leave a comment, let us know you've been here.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Round 3

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Addison had surgery today to start round 3 of her birthmark removal. For some reason, she was very cooperative when we first got there. The nurse asked her if she could stand on the scale, Addi replied, "Yeah". She asked her to stand against the wall to get Addi's height. Addi followed her directions exactly, no complaints. She didn't want her earrings taken out, but I did it anyway. That was the beginning of the attitude change.

Addi didn't want her clothes changed. I kept telling her the clothes they wanted her to wear were cool, her response was the same, but "I want to get dressed." And then she pouted.
Finally, Will talked her into playing with the toy on the wall, and she snapped out of her mood, for a while.
Dr. Siddiqi was running late (it's ok, were used to it, and he is worth it), she Addi got to play in the waiting room for quite a while. She made lots of new friends.
She is lounging on a rocking whale, blowing bubbles. I just thought it was funny.

One of the things that Addi struggles with is the hospital band that they make patients wear. She HATES it. Will and I both showed Addi that we had bracelets on too, not the same ones, but bracelets anyway, that didn't phase her. While she was playing with this baby, I asked her what the baby's tummy said. I know you all think that it says "Pre-op2", but you are wrong. She told me emphatically that it says, "I Don't Want To Wear My Bracelet Anymore." I couldn't help but laugh.
Finally, Addi was given her Versed to calm her down before being taken back to the OR. She made us both laugh pretty hard after that. Imagine a 3 year old drunk.

Surgery took about an hour, which was a lot quicker than we had originally thought, and the Dr. came out to talk to us. She did better than expected, they were able to remove a 4" x 5" section of nevus, and because they were only keeping her overnight to monitor her pain, the Dr. felt that she would do better going home. Finally, the recovery room called asking for one parent. I am always the one that goes back, Will waits until she is a little more calm. This time it was easy. Addi was resting comfortably, drinking apple juice. When she saw me, she got a little sad, and said, "Mom, my leg hurts." Broke my heart, but the nurse was right on top of it and got her pain meds going quick. She proceeded to eat 2 whole popsicles, and after about an hour started complaining that her leg hurt again. So, they gave her more meds, but it was the same thing that had been perscribed, so they just had to monitor her for another hour, while she watched kid shows, and we were out of there.

We go back next week to have the bandage changed, at which point we get to see what it looks like. Then the next week for a check-up, and the final surgery in about 3 weeks.

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